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Self-Tranformation Through Self-Acceptance
Jonny John Liu
Self-Rejection is the seed cause for all the suffering states of the mind. So the key to Self-Transformation is to develop Self-Acceptance. These practical practices will help you to experience first hand the healing powers of Self-Acceptance. But prepare to feel discomfort as your mind will be heavily challenged #healing #selfacceptance #rejection #fears #lettinggo #trauma #unhappiness #love

Self-Blessings Meditation - Unhappiness & Self-Rejection Transformation Through Self-Acceptance
15 min · Jonny John Liu

Self-Transformation Through Self-Acceptance: Balancing Energy & Chakras
28 min · Jonny John Liu

What Is Bothering Me? | Self-Knowing Meditation For Stress
11 min · Jonny John Liu