How to Easily Establish a Meditation Routine and Make It Stick

Insight Timer is the top free meditation app on iOS and Android.
Insight Timer is the top free meditation app on iOS and Android.

Starting a meditation routine is like building any other habit: It’ll likely be challenging at first and require consistent practice before seeing the benefits. So, is it worth it? Inge Wolsink, PhD, an Insight Timer meditation teacher, thinks so! 

She shares, “Meditation gave me what therapy never could. Therapy is a great and necessary tool in the pursuit of mental well-being… But we need repeated practice to experience true insight and to be able to implement lasting changes.”

In this article, we’ll explore the benefits of meditation, how to establish a meditation routine, and tips for staying consistent, with insights from Insight Timer’s very own Inge Wolsink. 

What is a meditation routine?

A meditation routine involves the regular practice of meditation techniques. Popular meditation techniques include: 

Research shows that, through consistent practice, we can reduce stress levels and stress-related health problems. Meditation also aids in developing self-awareness, which can help us make meaningful changes in our lives. 

When asked about the effects of consistent meditation practice, Inge Wolsink notes that it’s “…the feeling of coming home to yourself. Insight into the thoughts and feelings that control your actions. Daily moments of reflection that will help you connect to who you truly are. Becoming more present, compassionate, and comfortable with yourself and those around you.”

6 steps to establishing a successful meditation routine

Step 1: Designate a meditation space

Creating a safe, distraction-free environment for meditation is crucial when you’re first starting out. Inge says, 

“How you set up your environment is key for developing habits. It doesn’t have to be very complex though. A meditation pillow with a journal and a pen in the corner of a room can be enough.”

There are many more ways you can enhance your meditation space, including: 

  • comfortable seating 
  • soft lighting 
  • scented candles
  • blankets  

However, there’s no “right” way to set up a meditation space. Your space should be comfortable and soothing for you—and that may look differently for everyone.

Step 2: Start with a few minutes

Meditation can feel intimidating at first, so there’s no need to jump into 30-minute sessions. Starting with just a few minutes each day helps you build your practice over time. Inge suggests selecting short sessions that feel engaging in the beginning. She says: 

“Start very small, and pick meditations and teachers you like. Don’t worry too much about picking ‘the right style.’ As humans, we do things that are easy enough and enjoyable enough. If things are hard in the beginning, our brains just disengage and we think: ‘This isn’t for me.’ In order to build a habit, start with short and fun sessions.”

Ready to try a quick meditation? Inge’s six-minute morning meditation for value-based habits is a great place to start. 

Step 3: Prioritize comfort

When trying something new, it’s still important to prioritize comfort. This helps a new habit feel as natural as possible. Here are a few ways to get comfortable for your meditation sessions: 

  • wear loose-fitting clothing 
  • keep your back straight
  • relax your shoulders
  • hold a blanket or pillow

If you have trouble maintaining a seated posture, try lying down in savasana pose. Remember, the goal is to feel relaxed and at ease — your brain is already doing the work of adjusting to meditation!  

Try this soothing, guided savasana meditation by Alicia Young for ultimate comfort and relaxation.

Step 4: Find the best time for you

Some sources claim there are “optimal” times to meditate — spoiler, they all list different ones!  The reality is that the “right” time to meditate is whenever works best for you. Experiment with different times of the day to see what fits into your routine. 

You may enjoy a grounding morning meditation in your designated meditation space or prefer to meditate outside during a lunch break. When you find the best time for you, try to be consistent with it. This will help you integrate meditation into your daily routine more easily. 

Step 5: Try different types of meditation

There are a lot of forms of meditation, from body scans to walking and visualization. Finding one you genuinely enjoy increases the likelihood of sticking to it. Inge recommends: 

“Try out different styles, starting with the one that feels most comforting at the beginning. Meditations around compassion and kindness may be good ones to learn before engaging in others because they will help you to be kind to yourself when other styles will feel like they are hard to do.” 

Step 6: Keep practicing

Meditation may feel uncomfortable initially, just like any new habit. You may struggle to keep your attention on the present moment. But it’s important to keep practicing! Approach any resistance you feel with curiosity and tweak your practice — you may need to try different techniques before you discover one you enjoy. 

Be mindful to not do too much too soon. You don’t need to have an intricate, long meditation routine. You just need a consistent practice that works for you! In fact, Inge scaled back her routine significantly since giving birth to her daughter. She shares: 

“I scaled down a 2-hour morning routine back to 3 very simple things: a morning walk, followed by a morning sit down on my meditation pillow, and a one-sentence journaling exercise. This approach helped me maintain my practice during a busy and stressful time.”

How to overcome the most common meditation challenges

It’s normal to encounter challenges when you first start meditating. Here are some common obstacles and ways to overcome them:

  • Lack of time: Many of us have busy schedules, but that doesn’t mean we don’t have any time to meditate. Add just five minutes a day to your calendar, and treat it the way you would any important appointment. It’s better to have a short, regular meditation practice than long sessions you can’t sustain.
  • Distractions: Distractions are everywhere and can be hard to escape. Try finding a quiet area to meditate or wearing noise-cancelling headphones. Make sure your phone is out of arm’s reach.
  • Mind wandering: It’s completely normal for one’s mind to wander during meditation. When this happens, gently bring your focus back to your breath until the thoughts fade into the background.
  • Impatience: Remember that the benefits of meditation take time, which is why it’s important to maintain a consistent practice. Remind yourself whenever you sit down to meditate that you’re one session closer to seeing the positive effects!
  • Discomfort: Discomfort is especially common when meditating in a seated posture for an extended time. Try alternating from a seated position to savasana (lying down) to minimize discomfort.

Start your meditation routine with Insight Timer

Implementing a meditation routine doesn’t have to be hard. Insight Timer offers tools to help you build a consistent practice that you love. With over 200,000 free guided meditations and structured courses, there’s something for everyone. Receive support from thousands of the top meditation teachers and join community groups with like-hearted individuals.

Insight Timer is the best meditation app because of the range of meditations and teachers on the platform. But don’t take it from us: When asked why she loves Insight Timer, Inge highlights:

“The variety in both teachers and content. There are true gems on Insight Timer. Teachers who are not yet super established, that have a great deal to offer… In terms of content: Understanding different styles of meditation, breathwork, movement practices, and more, is what creates an integrated healthy body and mind. You can find all of those on Insight Timer, and introduce yourself to them at your own pace.”

Discover how to influence your current behaviour to build long lasting sustainable habits with Inge’s course “Becoming: Building Sustainable Habits To Become Your True Self”.

Establishing a meditation routine FAQs

How long should I meditate each day as a beginner?

As a beginner, start with just a few minutes each day and gradually increase the duration as you become more comfortable. Even a consistent, five-minute practice can make a substantial difference over time.

What is the best time of day to meditate?

The best time to meditate varies for each person. Experiment with morning, afternoon, and evening sessions to see what fits best into your daily routine.

How do I stay motivated to maintain a meditation routine?

Staying motivated can be challenging when starting a new habit. Set realistic goals for yourself — don’t aim for 30-minute meditation sessions right away! Remind yourself of the long-term benefits when you feel discouraged. 

Need a little more support? Using an app like Insight Timer can offer added structure and motivation. Our guided meditations are designed for practitioners of every level, so you’ll have no problem finding a meditation that works for you!

Can I meditate lying down, or do I need to sit?

Keeping a seated posture can feel strenuous in the beginning, so be sure to adjust accordingly. You can meditate lying down, especially if it feels more comfortable. Keep in mind that you are more likely to fall asleep while meditating when you’re horizontal, so this may not be optimal for a short midday meditation. 

What if I can’t quiet my mind during meditation?

It’s normal for the mind to wander during meditation. When this happens, gently bring your focus back to your breath or a focal point. Continue to bring your attention back anytime your thoughts taking over. Over time, you’ll find it easier to maintain focus.

How soon can I expect to see the benefits of meditation?

It varies. Some people notice changes after a few sessions, while others may take longer. This can depend on your stress levels and ability to fully let go during your session. Consistent practice is key to experiencing the long-term benefits of meditation.

What are some recommended guided meditations for beginners?

Beginners might find body scan meditation, loving-kindness meditation, and breath-focused guided meditation helpful. Insight Timer offers a wide range of options to explore. Inge recommends her restoring focus meditation or Tara Brach’s and Jack Kornfield’s Mindfulness Daily course.

How can I use Insight Timer to enhance my meditation routine?

Insight Timer provides a variety of guided meditations, courses, and a supportive community of meditators. Here are a few ways to use the platform:

  • listen to guided meditations
  • join a beginner’s meditation course
  • use the custom meditation timer
  • track your progress with daily check-in


Goyal, M., Singh, S., Sibinga, E. M. S., Gould, N. F., Rowland-Seymour, A., Sharma, R., Berger, Z., Sleicher, D., Maron, D. D., Shihab, H. M., Ranasinghe, P. D., Linn, S., Saha, S., Bass, E. B., & Haythornthwaite, J. A. (2014). Meditation programs for psychological stress and well-being. JAMA Internal Medicine, 174(3), 357. 

Meditation. Free.