Chakra Healing Meditation: Balancing Your Energy Centers

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Insight Timer is the top free meditation app on iOS and Android.

Have you ever felt out of balance, struggling to find harmony within yourself? Chakra healing meditation offers a pathway to realign and rejuvenate your energy centers, promoting overall well-being. In this blog post, you’ll discover how to balance your body’s energy and promote holistic health with this 26-minute guided meditation designed to heal and balance your chakras.

Join Linda Hall, a renowned meditation guide on Insight Timer, as she leads you through a tranquil journey of chakra healing meditation, helping you to restore inner balance and harmony.

A 26-minute chakra healing meditation to balance your energy

Embark on a 26-minute guided meditation practice focused on chakra healing to help you restore inner balance and energy.

For more chakra healing guided meditations, explore our largest library of free guided meditations.

Chakra healing guided meditation script

Here’s a step-by-step guide through the guided meditation for chakra balancing.

Step 1: Prepare your mind and body

Allow your eyes to comfortably close and come down into your breath and body. Relax your belly and soften your mind. Feel the support beneath you and connect down to the ground below, letting it take your weight.

Step 2: Ground yourself

Become aware of the sounds around you and the light and shade. Feel the air touching the surface of your body. Sense up to the sky above and out to the horizon, stretching all the way around you. Ground yourself in this moment.

Step 3: Release tension

Allow your mind to empty what it no longer needs to hold onto from the day. Let it go, flowing out and away. Draw yourself back from where you’ve been in your day and ground yourself in this moment.

Step 4: Focus on your breath

Begin to sense the space around you. Breathe with the space. And become aware of the ebb and flow of your breath, its rise and fall. Sensation. Temperature. Sound. 

Step 5: Connect with your root chakra

Breathe down to where the weight of your body rests, below the base of your spine, to your root chakra, your center of belonging. Invite in the color red, the color of the earth. Bathe your root in red, empowering and grounding you in the here and now. 

Say the words, “I am here. I have a right to be here. The earth supports me.”

Step 6: Activate your sacral chakra

Move your awareness to your belly, just below your navel, to your sacral chakra, the center of emotional intelligence, choice, creativity, movement, and pleasure. Invite in the color orange, the color of the setting sun. Bathe your sacral chakra with orange, balancing and motivating. 

Say the words, “I honor my needs. I allow myself to be nourished.”

Step 7: Empower your solar plexus chakra

Shift your focus to the area below your breastbone, your solar plexus chakra, the center of personal power. Invite in the color yellow, the color of sunshine. Bathe your solar plexus with sunshine, replenishing and nurturing. 

Say the words, “I value myself. I am enough. I am worth my weight in gold.”

Step 8: Open your heart chakra

Bring your awareness to the center of your chest, to your heart chakra, the center of self-development and unconditional love. Invite in green or rose pink, whichever feels right. Bathe your heart center with nourishment and healing. 

Say the words, “I am greatly loved. I allow myself to give and receive love freely.”

Step 9: Express through your throat chakra

Focus on your throat, your throat chakra, the center of self-expression and personal will. Invite in the color blue, the color of the sky. Breathe sky into your throat center, clearing and opening it. 

Say the words, “I hear and speak my truth. I express myself freely.”

Step 10: Enhance your third eye chakra

Shift your focus to your forehead, between your eyebrows, to your third eye chakra, the center of wisdom and intuition. Invite in indigo, the color of the night sky. Bathe your third eye with indigo, soothing and balancing it.

Say the words, “Everything is unfolding exactly as it should.”

Learn more about what to expect when you open your third eye.

Step 11: Connect with your crown chakra

Move your focus to the top of your head, your crown chakra, the center of oneness. Invite in light violet, softly bathing your crown. 

Say the words, “I am one with the universe. I am one with the whole.”

Step 12: Return to your core

Come back to yourself as a whole, back to the ebb and flow of your breath, back to your center.

Say the words, “I am whole. I am perfect just as I am.”

Step 13: Close the meditation

In your own time, become aware of the air on the surface of your body, and the sounds around you. Hold yourself with loving-kindness. And appreciate yourself for the beautiful, unique being that you are. And when you are ready, you can draw this meditation to a close.

This guided meditation script was adapted from Linda Hall’s chakra healing meditation, which you can find here.

Take a moment to reflect

Journaling can deepen your meditation practice by allowing you to explore your thoughts and feelings more profoundly. After your meditation, consider these reflective questions:

  • How did each chakra feel as you focused on it?
  • What emotions or thoughts surfaced during the meditation?
  • Did any particular chakra feel more blocked or open than others?
  • How do you feel now compared to before the meditation?

Reflecting on these questions can help you gain more insights into your energy centers and overall well-being.

Explore more resources for chakra balancing with free Insight Timer guided meditations.

Embrace your inner balance with Insight Timer’s free meditation app

Discover the transformative power of chakra healing and explore a wide range of guided meditations on Insight Timer’s free meditation app. With the largest library of free guided meditations and meditation music, you can enhance your practice and find inner peace anytime, anywhere.

Is one of your chakras blocked? 

If you enjoyed Linda’s meditation and want to connect with more of her work, join her 30-day chakra healing course for spiritual and psychological health.

Meditation. Free.