Yoga Nidra: A Meditation For Restorative Sleep

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Insight Timer is the top free meditation app on iOS and Android.

Do you ever struggle to unwind after a long day, finding it difficult to transition from the busyness of life to the calmness needed for restful sleep? In this blog post, you’ll discover how Yoga Nidra, a powerful form of meditation, is designed to promote deep relaxation and restore your natural sleep patterns. Imagine drifting into a peaceful sleep, free from the day’s stresses, and waking up rejuvenated.

Join Kate James, a renowned meditation guide on Insight Timer, as she leads you through a serene journey of Yoga Nidra, helping you to achieve restorative sleep.

A 20-minute Yoga Nidra meditation to achieve restorative sleep

Experience a 20-minute guided Yoga Nidra practice focused on deep relaxation and restorative sleep. This session will help you unwind, reduce stress, and prepare for a peaceful night’s rest.

For more Yoga Nidra guided meditations, check out our library of over 200,000 meditations.

Yoga Nidra guided meditation script

Here’s a helpful step-by-step guide through Kate James’s guided Yoga Nidra for sleep meditation:

Step 1: Prepare your space

Lie on your back in savasana pose with your feet slightly apart, toes turned out, and arms at a comfortable distance by your side. Turn your palms upward and let your eyes fall closed. Ensure you’re warm and comfortable. Try to remain still during the practice to give your body and mind the opportunity to deeply relax.

Step 2: Setting your intention

Take a moment to make your sankalpa—a short, positive statement about an intention you have for your life. State your sankalpa in the present tense three times.

Step 3: Sound awareness

Bring your awareness to any sounds you can hear at this moment. Let your sense of hearing radiate outward, listening to sounds further and further away. Practice open awareness to gently guide your attention from sound to sound without labeling the source or judging the sounds.

Step 4: Visualize your surroundings

Without opening your eyes, visualize the four walls of the room, the ceiling, and the floor. Become aware of your physical body resting here.

Step 5: Breathing awareness

Bring your awareness to your breath. Notice the coolness in your nose as you inhale. Feel the subtle movement of air across your top lip as you breathe out. Allow your breath to become longer and slower, focusing on the flow of the breath.

Step 6: Body awareness

Move your awareness systematically through your physical self with a body scan. Start with the top of the head and go all the way down to the toes. Breathe deeply into the chest and abdomen as your awareness reaches those areas. Repeat your sankalpa once again three times.

Step 7: Sensory awareness 

Shift your awareness to the sensations throughout your body. Starting from the right side, become aware of the sensations in your hand, arm, shoulder, chest, hip, thigh, knee, ankle, and foot. Repeat on the left side, then move awareness to your face and head. Finally, become in tune with the sensations in your abdomen and pelvis. 

Step 8: Experience heaviness and lightness

Imagine your whole body becoming heavy, feeling the heaviness in all parts of the body, sinking into the floor. Then, imagine your whole body becoming light, floating away from the floor toward the ceiling.

Step 9: Return to your breath

Bring your awareness back to your breath and your physical body. Your body is calm and at peace. Your mind is calm and at peace. If you’re ready to sleep now, allow yourself to drift into a deep state of bliss. If you’re ready to wake, gently wriggle your fingers and toes, and in your own time, open your eyes.

This guided meditation script was adapted from Kate James’s Yoga Nidra meditation, which you can find here.

Take a moment to reflect

After the meditation, take a few moments to reflect on your experience. Journaling deepens your meditation practice and helps you track your progress over time.

  1. How did your body feel during the practice?
  2. What emotions surfaced as you went through each step?
  3. Did you notice any particular thoughts that kept recurring?
  4. How do you feel now compared to before you started the meditation?

Embrace relaxation and restful sleep with Insight Timer’s free meditation app

Discover a world of meditation music and guided practices designed to enhance your well-being. Download Insight Timer’s free meditation app and explore the largest library of free guided meditations to support your journey towards a more peaceful and restful sleep.

Looking for more? Check out another guided sleep meditation with this Yoga Nidra meditation for sleep and rest.

Meditation. Free.