Gentle Healing Muscle Relaxation for Burnout and Chronic Fatigue

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Insight Timer is the top free meditation app on iOS and Android.

Are you feeling overwhelmed, exhausted, or struggling with chronic fatigue? You are not alone. 

Many of us face these challenges, especially in our fast-paced world. In this blog post, you’ll discover how a simple yet effective guided muscle relaxation, designed to ease burnout and chronic fatigue, can transform your well-being. 

Join Neil Tranter, a renowned meditation guide on Insight Timer, as he leads you through a journey of gentle healing, helping you to find calm and restore balance to your body and mind.

A 14-minute guided muscle relaxation to ease burnout and chronic fatigue

Experience a guided meditation practice that focuses on gentle muscle relaxation for deep relaxation and healing.

For more guided meditations, explore our largest library of free guided meditations.

Muscle relaxation guided meditation script

Here’s a step-by-step guide through Tranter’s guided gentle healing muscle relaxation meditation.

Step 1: Find a comfortable space and position

Start by finding a place where you won’t be interrupted. Lie down on your back on a comfortable surface like your bed or a yoga mat. Place a thin cushion under your head and a pillow behind your knees to support your body. Ensure you have a blanket to keep warm.

Step 2: Settle into relaxation

Once you’re comfortably positioned, allow your arms to rest by your sides. If it feels right, close your eyes and breathe naturally through your nose. Let your breathing be soft and gentle. If your eyes are open, allow your gaze to soften without focusing on anything specific.

Step 3: Embrace stillness

Take a few moments to pause and settle into this lying-down posture. Embrace the stillness. There’s nothing you need to do or achieve right now. Just take it easy and let go.

Step 4: Passive muscle relaxation

This exercise is a passive muscle relaxation, meaning you don’t have to do anything actively. Just lie back and let your body relax. Notice the weight of your body resting on the surface beneath you. Feel your clothes against your skin. As the muscles involved in being upright disengage, your body begins to soften and melt into the surface.

Step 5: Relax your legs

Feel the legs begin to soften and relax. There’s nothing you need to do. Just let the legs soften and relax.

Step 6: Relax your arms

Now, allow the arms to soften and relax. Feel them become heavy as your body lets go.

Step 7: Relax your head and neck

As your head relaxes back into the pillow, feel the muscles around your jaw and mouth soften and relax. The jaw loosens, and the muscles down the sides of your neck soften and let go. Feel the front of your neck and throat soften and open.

Step 8: Relax your shoulders and collarbones

Allow the tops of your shoulders to soften and relax. Feel the tension melt away from your shoulders and collarbones.

Step 9: Relax your chest and ribs

Allow the muscles of your chest and ribs to soften and open. Let go of any effort or tension. It’s enough just to lie here.

Step 10: Relax your back

Feel the upper and lower back soften and relax. Notice the body letting go, becoming more at ease.

Step 11: Relax your belly

Let the belly soften and relax. Notice the movements of your breath in your belly becoming slower and more subtle. Allow your breath to be soft and gentle.

Step 12: Relax your pelvis and legs

Experience the muscles of the pelvis softening and relaxing. Feel the buttocks, upper legs, knees, and calves soften and let go. There’s no need to rush this process.

Step 13: Relax your feet and toes

Allow the feet and toes to soften and relax. Feel the toes uncurl as the whole lower body softens and relaxes.

Step 14: Relax your whole body

Feel the whole body, from head to toe, softening and relaxing. Notice your breath becoming soft and gentle. Allow your body to transition into a state of rest and repair.

Step 15: Observe changes in your body

As you lie here, observe any changes in your body. You might notice more salivation in your mouth, gurgling in your stomach, or feelings of warmth, calm, or relaxation. Whatever you notice in this state of open awareness is perfectly fine.

Step 16: Savor the relaxation

Take a few more moments to rest here, savoring any feelings of calm or relaxation before continuing with your day. If you found this guided relaxation nourishing, consider returning to it whenever your body needs relaxation, rest, and healing.

This guided meditation script was adapted from Neil Tranter’s gentle healing muscle relaxation, which you can find here.

Take a moment to reflect

Journaling deepens your meditation practice by helping you process and integrate your experiences. Here are some reflective questions to consider after your meditation:

  • How did your body feel before and after the meditation?
  • What sensations or emotions did you notice during the relaxation process? Note, feelings of anxiety during relaxation are possible. 
  • Did any particular thoughts or memories arise while you were meditating?
  • How do you feel now, and how might you incorporate this relaxation practice into your daily routine?

Go deeper in healing and relaxation with additional guided meditations.

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Explore the benefits of gentle muscle relaxation and more with Insight Timer’s free meditation app. Discover a variety of guided meditations, meditation music, and resources to support your well-being. Download the app today and start your journey towards a calmer, more balanced life.

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