Chakra Balancing and Thought Control: Achieve Mental and Physical Stability

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Insight Timer is the top free meditation app on iOS and Android.

Have you ever felt overwhelmed by your emotions, struggling to find balance in your life? At times, our energy concentrates on one or two areas, leaving us feeling off-kilter and out of control. In this blog post, you’ll discover a 21-minute chakra meditation designed to balance your energy and control your thoughts, bringing harmony to your mind and body. 

Join Saqib Rizvi, a renowned meditation guide on Insight Timer, as he leads you through a calming journey of chakra balancing and thought control, helping you to regain stability and live a more balanced life.

A 21-minute chakra meditation to balance your energy and control your thoughts

Experience this guided meditation practice focused on balancing your chakras and helping you manage intrusive thoughts, so you can experience mental and physical stability.

For more guided meditations, check out our largest library of free guided meditations.

Chakra-balancing and thought-control guided meditation script

Follow this step-by-step guide through Saqib Rizvi’s chakra-balancing meditation.

Step 1: Prepare for meditation

Begin by sitting in a comfortable position with your back straight. Close your eyes and take a moment to experience your surroundings through your senses. Notice the smell in the air, the air on your face, the sounds around you, and the weight of your body on the chair or the ground. This initial awareness sets the stage for deeper meditation.

Go deeper with a powerful 54321 grounding technique.

Step 2: Focus on your breath

Bring your attention to your breathing practice. Focus on your nostrils, feeling the air touching them as you inhale and exhale. Take five complete breaths, each consisting of a full inhale and exhale. This process helps to calm your mind and prepare it for deeper focus.

Step 3: Observe and release thoughts

Notice the thoughts that arise in your mind. Imagine these thoughts as bubbles rising in front of you, each representing a separate thought. Visualize yourself bursting these bubbles one by one with a slight touch of your finger, releasing each thought from your mind. This visualization meditation helps in separating your thoughts from your awareness.

Step 4: Root chakra visualization

Shift your attention to the base of your spine, the location of your root chakra. Visualize a beautiful red ball of energy rotating at this point. As you breathe in and out, imagine this chakra energy ball rotating and providing you with stability and safety. Feel the energy building up at the base of your spine, grounding you in the earth’s energy field.

Step 5: Sacral chakra visualization

Move your focus to your sacral chakra, located just below your navel. Visualize an orange ball of energy rotating there. This chakra is the center of your sexual energy. Breathe in and out, sensing the energy building up below your navel as the air passes through this chakra.

Step 6: Solar plexus chakra visualization

Gradually bring your attention to your solar plexus chakra, located just below your ribs. Visualize a yellow ball of energy rotating at this point. This chakra brings control and clarity to you. Breathe through this ball of energy, sensing the energy produced by this chakra below your ribs.

Step 7: Heart chakra visualization

Focus on your heart chakra, located at the center of your chest. Imagine a green ball of energy rotating here. This chakra is the center of your emotions, providing you with emotional stability. Breathe and rotate this green ball of energy, feeling the energy in your chest.

Step 8: Throat chakra visualization

Shift your focus to your throat chakra, located in the center of your throat. Visualize a blue ball of energy rotating at this point. This chakra fuels your voice and expression. Breathe through your throat chakra, sensing the energy in your throat.

Step 9: Third eye chakra visualization

Move your attention to your third eye chakra, located right between your eyebrows. Visualize an indigo ball of energy rotating here. This chakra is responsible for intuition. Breathe through your third eye chakra, focusing at the point right between your eyebrows.

Step 10: Crown chakra visualization

Finally, bring your focus to your crown chakra, located at the top of your head. Visualize a violet ball of energy rotating at this point. This chakra is responsible for your intelligence. Breathe through it, sensing the energy building up at the top of your head.

Step 11: Connect the chakras

Imagine a ray of bright white light of energy rising from the earth and connecting to your root chakra at the base of your spine. Visualize this ray of light moving upwards, connecting and passing through all of your chakras, aligning and stabilizing the energy in your body.

Step 12: Complete the meditation

Visualize your chakras as something external to your awareness, something that you can control. Sense the control you now have over the energies in your body. Gradually wiggle your toes, move your fingers, and start feeling the presence of your body and your surroundings. When you are ready, slowly open your eyes, feeling balanced and in control.

This guided meditation script was adapted from Saqib Rizvi’s chakra balancing and thought control meditation, which you can find here.

Take a moment to reflect

Journaling after your meditation practice helps you process your experiences more deeply and recognize patterns over time.

Here are some reflective questions to guide your journaling:

  1. How did you feel before and after the meditation?
  2. What sensations did you experience during the chakra visualizations?
  3. Did any particular chakra feel more significant or blocked?
  4. How do you plan to carry the sense of balance and control into your daily life?

Want to practice more chakra-balancing exercises? Explore our growing library of free guided meditations for the chakras, or try another practice from Saqib:

More chakra-balancing resources to support your journey

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