“I was born in Anyang, Henan province, the northern part of China, in 1996. I am an only child. My parents provided all the best things for me and I received lots of love from everyone around me. My mother is a Cardiologist. Even though she was always busy, she made time to check my school work and review every textbook. Often she would ask me what lessons I learned afterwards.
My father used to be a soldier like my grandpa, but now he runs his own business. He’s a really fun person. He’s fifty one but still goes to gym everyday so he has really strong muscles :). He’s more like a friend than a father. Every Friday night he chooses a movie for our whole family to watch together. He likes the Shawshank Redemption, but on Valentine’s Day he watches Notting Hill with my mother.
When I was fourteen my parents sent me to Singapore for three years to continue secondary school. They wanted me to discover more of this world. Suddenly I couldn’t rely on them anymore. I missed them so much. Sometimes it was difficult. My landlord cheated me out of money. My housemate was always full of drama. And I experienced racial discrimination. But I’m happy to say that I learned to overcome the challenges and keep my original heart. After graduating, I moved to Australia to continue my studies. I knew my parents would miss me. So every night for the last eleven years (including last night) I call my parents to tell them about my day. I’ve never missed a call. Not one since leaving Anyang all those years ago.
I am a really hard worker. I was always top in maths, physics and chemistry in school. I studied Computer Science too because it was meant to be the hardest course in engineering. Now I am part of Insight Timer. I have been here three years. Time has flown by. Everyone I’ve met cares about helping me to become a better person. I’ve learned how to collaborate with colleagues and how to deal with different challenges.
I believe everyone, no matter their background, has something to teach me. So I keep looking forward, enriching myself and those around me, as I journey through this wonderful thing called life.”