Satya & Pride

Michelle identifies as nonbinary. They are a social worker by the sun and a meditation guide by the moon.
Michelle identifies as nonbinary. They are a social worker by the sun and a meditation guide by the moon.

I washed my yoga mat the day I came out
Scrubbed it like an apology for neglect
You should have seen the runoff

It had been on my to-do list forever
Clean yoga mat
I felt the gathering grime, still did nothing
It wasn’t ideal to use in this condition but it worked
And it was convenient
Washing would take so much effort
And I was only hurting myself, after all

When I came out I cried so hard it was
A rinse cycle
Our mats are microcosms of our lives
Mine was caked in fear and self-denial

The dirt built up steadily
Until I decided I was worthy
Of coming clean

Meditation. Free.