Tantric Meditation Practice for Men: Merging with the Divine

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Insight Timer is the top free meditation app on iOS and Android.

Tantric practices offer a sacred opportunity to create meaningful, intimate connections, not only with your partner but also with the divine energy that surrounds us. In this blog post, you’ll discover how Katrina Bos, a renowned teacher on Insight Timer, guides men through a powerful 17-minute tantric meditation. This practice is intended to help them feel more present, grounded, and open to their partner through deep breathing, energy flow, and mindfulness.

A 17-minute tantric meditation to experience divine connection

This 17-minute tantric meditation helps you embrace your individuality and merge energetically with your partner. Through mindful breathing, physical connection, and energy exchange, you’ll cultivate a deep sense of union and harmony. 

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Tantric practice for men guided meditation script

This step-by-step guide walks you through Katrina Bos’s guided meditation. The practice can be done either clothed or unclothed, depending on your comfort level. It is designed to create a deep connection between you and your partner.

Step 1: Love your separateness

Begin by standing at least 10 feet apart from your partner. Stand tall, close your eyes, and take deep breaths. Feel the energy rising from your feet to your head. Acknowledge your individuality and completeness—you are a divine being, whole in your own right. Place one hand on your chest and the other on your genitals. As you breathe deeply, feel the flow of energy between your heart and your root.

  • For the masculine partner, energy flows into your heart from the universe and moves down to your root.
  • For the feminine partner, energy flows into your root from the universe and moves up to your heart.

Allow this energy to circulate effortlessly between you and the universe as you continue to breathe deeply.

Step 2: Observe the other

Open your eyes and see your partner standing across from you. Notice their beauty and wholeness. Allow yourself to feel gratitude for their presence. Now, close your eyes and visualize reaching out to them energetically. Imagine them doing the same and feel the connection growing between you.

Step 3: Connect physically

Slowly walk toward each other, maintaining a foot of distance between you. Gently hold your partner’s hands and breathe together. Be honest and open with your emotions—let your truth flow through the connection you’ve established. Trust your partner’s energy and allow this exchange to deepen your bond.

Step 4: Move closer

Move into a comfortable position facing your partner. This could be sitting cross-legged on the floor or in a yab-yum position. Choose a posture that allows you to feel fully connected and at ease. Close your eyes and let your breathing sync with your partner’s.

For the masculine partner, breathe in love from your partner’s heart and exhale love from your root chakra into theirs. For the feminine partner, breathe in love from your partner’s root chakra and exhale love from your heart into theirs. Feel the energy flowing in a circle, creating a unified field of love and connection.

Step 5: Closing the practice

Take a deep breath together and silently express gratitude for the sacred connection you’ve shared. If sitting apart, stand and embrace your partner in a warm hug. If sitting close, shift into an embrace filled with gratitude and light. Hold each other in this embrace for a moment, letting the connection between your hearts flow freely.

When you’re ready, slowly release the embrace, holding hands and looking into each other’s eyes. Feel the connection still present between you even as you prepare to part. Walk back to your original positions, and take a moment to honor the divine energy you’ve shared.

This guided tantric meditation was adapted from Katrina Bos’s Tantric Practice for Men. Explore more of her meditations and tantra practices.

Reflect on the tantra meditation

After completing this meditation, take some time to reflect on your experience. Journaling can deepen your understanding of what you felt during the practice. Consider these questions:

  • How did it feel to acknowledge both your individuality and your connection with your partner?
  • Did you notice any shifts in your energy or emotions during the physical connection?
  • What thoughts or emotions arose as you allowed the energy to flow between you and your partner?
  • How can you bring this sense of union and gratitude into your daily interactions?

Reflecting on these questions will help you continue growing in your practice and deepen your connection with yourself and your partner.

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Feeling more connected and grounded is just a few breaths away. Insight Timer offers a variety of meditation music and free guided meditations that can help you deepen your practice. You can explore thousands of free meditations on the Insight Timer app to create space for reflection, growth, and inner peace.

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