The world's largest library of free guided meditations

Dispelling Illusions | Cozy Jazz Lofi Hip Hop Beats

3 min 路 Marcus Fung

Healing Chrysanthemum | Relax with Jazzy Lofi Beats

2 min 路 Marcus Fung

Rejoice Inner Revolution | Mellow Lofi Soul Jazz Beats

3 min 路 Marcus Fung

Let's Work Together | Cozy Lofi Soul Beats

2 min 路 Marcus Fung

Everything Is Going to Be Okay | Cozy Lofi Jazz Piano Beats

3 min 路 Marcus Fung

Let Time Be The Healer | Cozy Lofi Soul Jazz Beats

2 min 路 Marcus Fung

In My Home In My Heart | Reflective LoFi Jazz Piano Beats

2 min 路 Marcus Fung

Patience & Perseverance | Cozy & Blissful Lofi Beats

2 min 路 Marcus Fung

Always In My Heart | Calming LoFi Jazz Piano Beats

2 min 路 Marcus Fung

Night Owl | Moody Evening Lofi Jazz Beats

2 min 路 Marcus Fung

You Are Made of Stars | Thich Nhat Hanh | Lofi Jazz Beats

3 min 路 Marcus Fung

Classic Jazzy Vibes | Relax With Soulful LoFi Beats

2 min 路 Marcus Fung

You Are A Gift To This World | Lofi Soul Jazz Beats Grooves

3 min 路 Marcus Fung

Positive Vibes & Nostalgic Feelings | Lofi Jazz Piano Beats

3 min 路 Marcus Fung

Feels Like Springtime | Cozy LoFi Jazz Piano Beats

2 min 路 Marcus Fung

Put The Skip Back In Your Step | Lofi Jazz Soul Beats

3 min 路 Marcus Fung

Letting Go Of Attachments | Mellow Soulful Lofi Jazz Beats

4 min 路 Marcus Fung

Lucid Dreaming | Soothe Your Soul with LoFi Piano Beats

2 min 路 Marcus Fung

Old Memories | Calming LoFi Jazzy Piano Beats

2 min 路 Marcus Fung

What You Seek Is Seeking You | Positive Vibes Jazz LoFi

3 min 路 Marcus Fung

Healing Lavender Flowers | Lofi Soul Jazz & Mellow Vibes

3 min 路 Marcus Fung

Keeping Cool & Steady | Mellow Vibes, Lofi Soul Jazz Beats

3 min 路 Marcus Fung

Baby Come Home | Positive Cozy Vibes | LoFi Soul Piano Beats

3 min 路 Marcus Fung

Dreaming Of New World | Lofi Soul Jazz Beats

4 min 路 Marcus Fung

Delicately | Positive Vibrations Nostalgia Cozy Lofi Beats

2 min 路 Marcus Fung

Starry Souls | Calming, Reflective Piano LoFi Beats

2 min 路 Marcus Fung

Take Your Time | Calming Piano & Guitar LoFi Beats

3 min 路 Marcus Fung

A Path Of Self Mastery | Cozy Lofi Jazz Beats

3 min 路 Marcus Fung

Moonlight Dance | Cozy Piano Lofi Jazz Beats

3 min 路 Marcus Fung

Featured Playlists

This playlist offers #support for when you鈥檙e feeling #overwhelmed with #guilt and #regret. Here are tools that will help you #release and #letgo
The core teachings of #Buddhism help us to better understand ourselves and cope with our daily problems. Explore these #dharma teachings to welcome #joy into your life while cultivating #acceptance and #peace.
Ease yourself into a #restful #night with these quick and light #sleep practices. Perfect for settling your mind before bed, this playlist is a must for your #nighttime #routine.
Sit with your #anger and learn how to #release it gently and mindfully with this playlist. It includes #sos practices, #breathwork, and #talks that can help you deal with heightened emotions.
Ease your little ones into a restful night with this collection of soothing cradle songs and #sleepmusic. Allow the #gentle sounds to support their journey through dreamland to a sweet and #peaceful #sleep.
Happy #earthday! Connect with and honour #motherearth as you are guided by the sounds and sights of #nature. Appreciate the mystery, wonder and beauty of your surroundings. Let #connection to the #naturalworld foster greater connection to all beings everywhere. #healyourmindhealtheplanet
Tune in and start #flowing. From the opening #om to #Savasana, this playlist of rich #rhythms and soulful #chants are the perfect accompaniment to your #yoga practice.
Give your #innerchild the tender #love and #care it deserves. This playlist contains practices that will guide you into #healing, #acceptance, #grace, and #release you from whatever is holding you back.
Take time to sit with your #brokenheart. Let this playlist of gentle practices #support you in mending your #heart from #breakups and ending #relationships. Hang in there. Everything will be all right.
This gentle collection of music and meditations offer #solace through #loss and #grief. Find comfort, support and #healing here. Know that #yourenotalone.
In the #office, at home, or while commuting, this perfectly #relaxing playlist is built for #busy work days. Let it inspire you to clear your mind and get productive, or use it as a much needed break. #worksmarternotharder

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