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Music for Creativity


Music and sounds to quiet or energize the mind and allow inspiration and ideas to bubble up to the surface from the subconscious. Play before or during a writing/art session. #creativity #ambient #inspiration #writing #art #creative #muse #music #sacralchakra #expression #freedom #mantras #chants #sound #inthezone #focus #deepwork

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Tibet Gong Morning Meditation By Deuter

21 min 路 New Earth Records

Live Plant Music - Jan 10 2021

20 min 路 Drift

Fearlessly Free (Featuring Madhu Anziani)

10 min 路 Egemen Sanli

The Sacral Chakra: I Am Free

10 min 路 The Wong Janice

Calming A Restless Mind

9 min 路 Manose 11 11

Raga for Creativity

10 min 路 Juan Carlos

Gayatri Mantra

12 min 路 Franko Heke

Har Haray Hari Wahe Guru

12 min 路 Kamari & Manvir

Faerie Garden

13 min 路 Chris Collins

Into The Flow

12 min 路 Iftekharul Anam

Mystic Flow (Binaural Beat Delta)

13 min 路 Mat铆as Romero Acu帽a

Film Score Piano

14 min 路 Fiona Joy Hawkins

Theta Dimensions 20

20 min 路 Guenther Goerg

I Am Here

21 min 路 Swami Madhuram Puri

Terra (Earth) Koshi Chime For Meditation

21 min 路 Aligned Muse

River Of Peace

23 min 路 Gotama

Sacred Space - 30 Minute Mix

29 min 路 James Anthony Walker

Harvest Moon Meditation

30 min 路 Sherry Finzer

Stream Of Creativity - Beautiful Music To Calm Down And Let Creativity Flow Through You

32 min 路 Kevin Kockot

Awaken Your Intuition & Creativity - Low Theta Waves

45 min 路 Yuval Ron

True Self Meditation Music (Angels Are Returning)

42 min 路 Narek Mirzaei | Music Of Wisdom

33 Bowls Tibetan Singing Bowls: Rain

45 min 路 33bowls

Delta Waves & Oceanic Sounds For Deep Rest

59 min 路 Morgan Jaymes


60 min 路 Tucker Sferro

One Hour Of Rhythmic Empowerment

60 min 路 Chris Collins

One With The Universe

60 min 路 Chris Collins

Deep Focus - 72 Minutes Of Music For Concentration

72 min 路 Matthew Duplessie

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