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Witness Consciousness


This is known as objectively observe the behavior, thereby aiding in deactivating emotionally destructive cycles of egocentricity in favor of an objective ( as opposed to subjective) view of opportunities. Channel the emotionally intensified towards tempered context of even-mindedness.

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5 min · Marya Stark

Resonating Self-Witness #3

7 min · Sarah Peyton

Developing the Witness Mind

9 min · Dr Brett Wade

Developing a Witness Mind

9 min · Dr Melody Moore

Witness To Bring Awareness

12 min · Anne Baggenstoss

The Inner Witness

15 min · Peter Bolland

Witness Meditation (Part 1)

18 min · Nadine Westover

The Wise Witness

19 min · Linda Hall

Watch The Thinker: Stay Present In The Seat Of The Witness

20 min · Alyssa Snow

Silent Witness Meditation

21 min · Acharya Das

Cultivating The Witness Perspective

22 min · Sunny Lane

Bearing Witness To The Mind

24 min · Christian Fanli Ramsey

Witnessing The Witness

22 min · Lucy Love

The Ultimate Witness

26 min · Elliott Treves

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