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Root Chakra (396hz)
David Stumpe
Musik and Sounds to meditate and cleanse your Root Chakra - with Frequency 396Hz. If you experience high self centeredness, greed, violence, fear or guilt these tracks and it’s frequency will help you to liberate the feelings and come back to your roots to only BE ~ grounded, rooted and strong. #rootchakra

Liberate (396 Hz Solfeggio)
6 min · Benjamin Bubb

396 Hz - Understand and Overcome: Guilt and Fear
90 min · Aaron Darrell

· undefined

Solfeggio 3D - UT Frequency 396 Hz
14 min · Daniel Schotsborg (Qualia+)

Silent Solfeggio Sleep - 396 HZ - Turning Grief Into Joy, Liberating Guilt & Fear
30 min · Kevin Kockot